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 Author's Page  


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Among other less professional titles, I am an English philologist, writer, content creator, researcher and mentor. 

The exploration of the Gothic in all its expressions through the Jungian lens allows me to investigate the depths of the human psyche and help others on their self-development journeys.

In the next lines, you will see all my writing trajectory so far.

Content Creation

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Educational Materials

As a director, pedagogical coordinator and English teacher in my own language school, I created all the centre's material, based on our methodology for over 9 years. This went from dossiers to tailored programmes for summer exchanges, businesses and other activities for students of all ages and profiles. 

magazines and books

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You Are Gothic But You Don't Know It

Owner, editor and writer of this virtual monthly magazine aimed at curious people who want to explore the depths of the human psyche. The magazine aims to analyse the intersection of literature, culture, and psychology, as a way to explore these themes for personal insight and development.

The production and edition of this magazine ran from June 2022 to June 2023.

This project is currently under review and future issues will start being available very soon.

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Alfar el Grande (2022)

Flash fiction story published in an anthology called Crónicas Microvampíricas, a micro-story contest about vampires organized by Diversidad Literaria.

Diario para madres escritoras II, un nuevo comienzo

Collaborative crowdfunding literary project published in May 2023 by Diversidad Literaria.

Short Story Readings

Horror Community Christmas Calendar

This is a short story reading project that started in 2021.


The project is organised by writer Lex Jones and it gathers horror writers worldwide in a familiar and friendly environment, where we all read each other's stories and record them.

The stories are edited and uploaded by also author and YouTuber, George Daniel Lea over the Christmas period.


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Romancing the Gothic

Virtual presentation at the Romancing the Gothic project on January 12, 2021.

Presentation name: The Gothic and Second Language Acquisition.

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X Congreso sobre Arte, Literatura y Cultura Alternativa

Speaker for the 10th Congress of Art, Literature and Alternative Culture that took place between November 10 and 12, 2021 at the Complutense University of Madrid, in online format.

Communication title: Evolution of the ghost as a social figure
from medieval times to the present day

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Aquatic Surfaces and Depths: Haunted Shores 2023 Online Conference

Speaker for the conference on the 7th and 8th of April 2023 in virtual format.

Communication name: Archetypes of the sea and the unconscious mind in the TV series "Supernatural."

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Congreso FOGO 2023: Folclore y gótico: entornos y presencias sobrenaturales en europa y las américas

Speaker during the 5th, 6th and 7th of July in virtual format.

Name of the paper: “Dones d’aigua”, folklore and archetypes of the female representation in Mercè Rodoreda’s Mirall Trencat.


Women in Supernatural: Critical Essays

Collection of critical essays directed by Amanda Taylor and Susan Nylander.

The project is under contract with McFarland Publishers and is currently under peer review.

Folclore y gótico: entornos y presencias sobrenaturales en europa y las américas

Essay collection based on the congress that took place in the university of Leon during July 2023.

The project is under peer review at the moment.


Essay collection focused on the environmental and the ecological that will collect different views on what a “going back to” or “a return to something” might constitute and potentially how that might configure some kind of future.

The project is currently being produced and sent for review in 2025.

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